Scott Anderson
Signal Books
is not a principle of war nor is it a principle of international relations and
it is with this pretext that one must approach the machinations and deal-making
that typified the Middle East during the years leading up to, during and
immediately following the First World War. Anderson’s book presents the reader
with a road map of the toing’s and froing’s between the key actors and nation
states of the period and the impact that it has had on the long term social and
political development of the region. Certainly, the decisions made then have
reverberated down through the decades and continue to be felt in the challenges
that we are dealing with today.
has been able to effectively cut through the Gordian knot of Middle Eastern
societies and politics and break down the story into a manageable and traceable
narrative. It is truly awe inspiring the degree of naked ambition (both
personal and national) that manifested itself at the expense of all else during
this period. The example of France refusing to sanction an attack on
Alexandretta in 1915 (resulting in the Gallipoli Campaign) because of its fear
that it would lose its post war claim to Syria (this despite the fact that
militarily it made eminent sense to strike there) boggles the mind with both
its hubris and expectation.
vs Arab, House of Saud vs Hussein, British vs French, Entente vs Central Power,
Lawrence vs Sykes, Tribe vs Tribe, Egypt vs India the list is endless of the
competitive agendas that were undertaken as the dance of the Middle East
carried on. A consistent theme throughout was Lawrence and his role as guide,
intermediary, policy maker and manipulator between all of the various parties.
The book is not about Lawrence specifically, but the central role that he plays
in this drama is key to the long term results. The author does a very credible
job of providing the reader a clear understanding of the personalities
involved, what drives them, their bias’s, strengths and weaknesses; none more so
than Lawrence. Lawrence holds himself aloof from those around him and forges
his own path regardless of the intent or direction from his superiors; a true
loose cannon. In doing so, he also contributes to the tragedy that unfolds in
the region even while he plunges into cynicism and disillusionment with the
Great Powers.