Wednesday 26 July 2023

Airpower in the War Against ISIS - Benjamin S. Lambeth

This review has been submitted to Airforce Magazine.

Title: Airpower in the War Against ISIS
Author: Benjamin S. Lambeth
ISBN: 978-1-68247-557-7
Publisher: Navel Institute Press
Year: 2021
Pages: 304

In "Airpower in the War on ISIS," Benjamin S. Lambeth presents a comprehensive and meticulously researched analysis of the role airpower played in the fight against the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). Published in 2021, the book offers an insightful perspective into the strategic employment of air assets during one of the most significant and complex conflicts in recent history.

Lambeth, a seasoned defense analyst and author, brings his expertise to the forefront, delving into the key aspects that made airpower a critical component in the war against ISIS. His work focuses not only on the operational aspects but also on the broader strategic implications and the challenges faced by the coalition forces in countering the terrorist organization.

The book starts by providing a concise historical context of ISIS's rise, highlighting the group's rapid expansion and the destabilizing effects it had on the Middle East. By understanding the gravity of the threat posed by ISIS, readers gain a deeper appreciation for the complexities that confronted the coalition partners in devising an effective response.

Lambeth then meticulously dissects the various airpower strategies employed by the coalition forces. He sheds light on the use of precision airstrikes, drone surveillance, intelligence gathering, and the utilization of cutting-edge technology. Through compelling case studies and real-world examples, the author demonstrates how these tactics evolved and adapted over time to meet the evolving challenges on the ground.

One of the book's strengths lies in Lambeth's ability to paint a vivid picture of the air campaign's successes and setbacks. He draws on a rich collection of primary sources, testimonies, and interviews with key military figures, which adds depth and credibility to his analysis. Additionally, the author's unbiased approach allows readers to form their own judgments about the efficacy of airpower in the broader fight against terrorism.

While Lambeth praises the coalition's effective use of airpower in degrading ISIS's military capabilities and destroying its infrastructure, he does not shy away from addressing the shortcomings and limitations of the approach. He explores the complexities of urban warfare, the risk of civilian casualties, and the propaganda value that ISIS derived from coalition airstrikes. Such a balanced examination of the subject matter sets this book apart from other works on the same topic.

Furthermore, "Airpower in the War on ISIS" also delves into the dynamics and coordination challenges between the coalition partners. With an array of countries contributing air assets, each with its own objectives and rules of engagement, Lambeth critically examines how these diverse interests affected the overall effectiveness of the air campaign.

Lambeth's writing style is clear, concise, and accessible, making this book suitable for both experts and lay readers interested in the subject. The author avoids jargon and technical verbiage where possible, ensuring that the central ideas are readily understandable without compromising the book's intellectual depth.

However, one potential criticism of the book is its narrow focus on airpower. While Lambeth addresses this limitation early on, some readers might find themselves wishing for a more comprehensive analysis that considers the broader aspects of the war on ISIS, including the role of ground forces and political considerations.

In conclusion, "Airpower in the War on ISIS" by Benjamin S. Lambeth is an essential and enlightening read for anyone interested in contemporary military affairs, counterterrorism strategies, and the complexities of modern warfare. The book offers a well-researched, unbiased, and critical examination of the air campaign against ISIS, revealing both its successes and limitations. With its comprehensive coverage and expert insights, this book stands as a valuable contribution to the understanding of airpower's role in contemporary conflict scenarios.

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