This review was submitted to Army History magazine.
Winning Wars Amongst the People: Case Studies in Asymmetric Conflict
Peter A. Kiss
Potomac Books
Maps: 5
conflict is the modus operandi of the modern insurgent fighter and the Wests
traditional methods of addressing using conventional forces has proven
challenging in the extreme. The author has endeavoured to outline through an
analysis of a series of unique, but related (insofar as asymmetric warfare has
a common methodology), engagements, the characteristics of what he refers to as
4th generational (4G) warfare. He uses the examples as case studies in order to
facilitate explanation of the causes, means of response and how successful (or
not) authorities were in both containing
and reversing the insurgencies/instabilities.
case study: Rhodesia 1962-1980, Punjab 1980-1994, Kosovo 1996-1999, France 2005
and modern day Hungary is broken down and analyzed using the criteria of
response outlined in the beginning chapters of the book. These criteria relate
to the paradigm shift required to address the characteristics of 4th
generational warfare. Kiss spends the initial part of the book outlining what
constitutes the shifts between generations of war, paying particular attention
to the nature and characteristics of 4G. Thus, the 1st to 3rd generations have
their origins in the Westphalian school where conflict centres upon the nation
state and inter-national conflict. This represents the more traditional view of
fourth generational warfare is defined by a series of traits that stand in
unique contrast to the previous generations:
1. sovereignty is limited;
2. state loses monopoly over war;
3. a majority of the population is
4. belligerents behaviour
is not constrained by the responsibilities inherent in state existence because
they are not a state;
5. there is no clear victory or
6. the conflict is more a clash of
wills than a trial of strength; and
7. belligerents will
utilize means that are not considered to be military in nature (ie street politics and riots).
outlines that the people are medium within which the conflict between the
government and non-government belligerents unfolds. The use of military force,
as opposed to its traditional role of being the final arbiter, is now merely
one of a series of supporting means utilized to reach each sides goals.
He then
goes on to outline how it has come to pass that the State, as the final international
structure of interaction, has diminished in stature and influence. He focuses
on two distinct areas of development: economic and political integration as
well as eroding sovereignty. The first comes as the result of the transfer of
state authority to supranational organizations such as the UN, the rise of
international business and criminal organizations (who do not owe their
existence to a particular nation) and newly accepted theories of international
conduct (ie the Right to Protect) that supersedes national authority.
Additionally, Kiss makes very lucid and telling observations regarding the
diminishment of the state due to the internet, ease of international travel,
the failure of the state to guarantee the security of its citizens, demographic
changes and the failure of minorities/immigrants to accept the values and
standards of the host nation.
all of this is leading to is a growing challenge to the States effectiveness at
being able to overcome 4G insurgencies. The State, regardless of the nature of
its leadership, is forced by its very existence to operate within a series of
guidelines and limitations that the 4G insurgent is not. However, Kiss also
advances the notion that pure terrorism (defined as being violence without
goal) does not exist and therefore, terrorists/insurgents will always have an
end state that they are working towards. Thus it becomes the challenge of each
side to best determine how they are going to tailor their challenge/response in
order to outlast the other.
author's real world examples emphasize the timelines, complexities and
uniqueness of 4G conflict. Each is representative of a different facet of this
warfare and displays methods that were military successes but political
failures (Rhodesia), asymmetric successes (Kosovo) and counterinsurgency
successes (Punjab). He concludes each example with an outline of the lessons to
be learned. His study of the outbreak of French minority violence is
particularly sobering as it serves both as a lesson in response techniques and
a cautionary tale for the future of intra-state relations.
Kiss's book is a thoughtful and insightful look into a mode of warfare
that is rapidly becoming the norm for traditional nation states to address. It
is a style not confined by borders, ethnicity, religion nor economy but is
influenced by all. His style is clear and lucid and his arguments for the
future convincing. His work is well worth studying for those involved with
developing policies that will serve as the framework of responses for nation
states in future conflicts.