Friday 12 May 2023

Legion versus Phalanx: The Epic Struggle for Infantry Supremacy in the Ancient World - Myke Cole

This review has been submitted to Strategy and Tactics Magazine

Title: Legion versus Phalanx: The Epic Struggle for Infantry
Supremacy in the Ancient World
Author: Myke Cole
ISBN: 978-1-4728-2842-2
Publisher: Osprey
Year: 2018
Pages: 288
Photos/Maps: 44/7

Myke Cole's "Legion versus Phalanx" is a captivating and well-researched exploration of ancient warfare, specifically focusing on the clash between two iconic military formations: the Roman legion and the Greek phalanx. In this book, Cole takes readers on a journey through the ancient world, dissecting the strengths, weaknesses, and tactical nuances of these two dominant forces. The book is delineated between setting the doctrinal environment of each style of warfare in the first half, followed in the second, by an analysis of six major engagements where the protagonists each utilized one of the two methods of combat.

The author begins by setting the historical context and explaining the origins and evolution of both the legion and the phalanx. He delves into the cultures and societies that birthed these formations, shedding light on how they shaped military strategies and influenced the outcomes of battles. Cole's deep knowledge and passion for the subject matter are evident in his meticulous attention to detail and his ability to bring these ancient armies to life.

One of the book's notable strengths is its accessibility. Cole strikes a balance between scholarly analysis and engaging storytelling, making the content accessible to both history enthusiasts and casual readers. He avoids excessive jargon and provides clear explanations of key terms and concepts, ensuring that readers can follow along without feeling overwhelmed.

The heart of the book lies in the comparisons drawn between the legion and the phalanx. Cole meticulously dissects their respective structures, training methods, weapons, and tactics. He examines battles such as the Battle of Cynoscephalae and the Battle of Pydna to illustrate how these formations adapted and interacted with each other on the battlefield.

Throughout the book, Cole challenges common misconceptions and provides a fresh perspective on ancient warfare. He dispels the notion that the phalanx was an invincible formation and highlights its vulnerabilities against the more flexible and adaptable legions. Similarly, he showcases the phalanx's strengths, such as its ability to hold a disciplined line and its formidable offensive power when facing less organized foes.

One of the book's highlights is Cole's vivid and engaging writing style. He brings ancient battles to life, describing the chaos, tension, and brutality of the battlefield in vivid detail. Readers can almost hear the clash of shields and the cries of soldiers as they march into combat. Cole's ability to create a palpable sense of urgency and danger is a testament to his skill as a writer.

While the focus of the book is on the clash between the legion and the phalanx, Cole also explores other factors that influenced the outcome of battles, such as leadership, logistics, and terrain. By providing a broader context, he helps readers understand the complex interplay between various elements that shaped the outcome of ancient conflicts.

Overall, Cole does make a strong case for the adaptability and effectiveness of the Roman legion, however, he acknowledges the strengths of the phalanx and offers a balanced analysis of each. "Legion versus Phalanx" is a captivating and insightful examination of ancient warfare. Myke Cole's expertise in military history shines through in his engaging writing style and meticulous research. Whether you are a history enthusiast or simply interested in learning more about ancient warfare, this book is a must-read. It provides a comprehensive understanding of the legion and the phalanx while highlighting the complexities of ancient military strategies.

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