Friday 15 March 2013

Waging War: A Philosophical Introduction

Great Empires are not maintained by timidity.


Title: Waging War: A Philosophical Introduction
Author: Ian Clark
Publisher: Clarendon
Pages: 154
Content: How does philosophy intersect with the conduct of warfare? Are there rules by which warfare should be conducted and, if so, how are they established? On initial review, it would appear that there is very little to connect the violence and aggression of the battlefield to the contemplative and sedate world of the philosopher. Indeed, on the surface the two could not be further apart; however, Mr Clark has argued that there is an important relationship between the concept of war and notions about its proper conduct. Further, he suggests that the practice of war requires a sound philosophical understanding of its nature. His book draws upon the disciplines of philosophy, history, political theory and contemporary strategy in order to propose a meeting ground for the integration of philosophy and the practice of war.

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